There are two membership subscription options:
- One time payment for 1 year of membership (non-recurring membership):
- Non-recurring memberships start from the 1st of September (or the date of registration) and run until the following 31st of August.
- The contribution of the non-recurring membership is 50 euro per financial year, running from September 1st to August 31st.
- If you register for the membership between the 1st of July and the 31st of August, your membership will run until the 31st of August of the following year
- One time payment for 1 year of membership (non-recurring membership):
- Recurring membership (using an automatic payment scheme (“automatische incasso” in Dutch)):
- This membership is valid for 1 year after the date of payment and will automatically be renewed after a period of 1 year.
- The contribution of the recurring membership is 50 euro.
- Cancellation of the recurring membership is possible after 1 year with a cancellation period of at least four weeks before the end of your active subscription. To cancel, a written cancellation notification (four calender weeks before the end of your membership) should be send to:
- Recurring membership (using an automatic payment scheme (“automatische incasso” in Dutch)):
Other conditions:
- ARMA-NL membership is on a personal title. We do not have an organizational membership.
- Membership includes access to the ARMA-NL platform for training and courses, access to the ARMA-NL forum in which members share hands-on experiences, practical tips and exchange information, and invitations to ARMA-NL events. Membership will grant access to the general assembly and will also grant first access to the annual conference (additional fees may apply).
- You can download a PDF of your invoice in your personal profile.
- The statutes and bylaws (statuten en huishoudelijk reglement in Dutch) apply to all members. You will need to approve them in the next steps of the registration process.
- Credit Card payments can not be processed, due to high costs and administrative burden.
If you have registered before, please login first using your username and password. If this does not work, please ask for a new password to be send to your email. Use the email address you receive the emails from by the current secretary.