Organizational structure
The highest decision-making body is the General Assembly of its members (GA, algemene ledenvergadering, ALV). ARMA-NL consists of a Board and Standing Committees. Thanks to its structure, ARMA-NL is close to the daily practice of research and innovation, enabling ARMA-NL to quickly pick up signals and take action. ARMA-NL attaches great value to the involvement of its members in all kinds of activities of the association. Members actively participate in committees, working groups, networks, sounding boards and project groups and are involved in ARMA-NL activities. Individual members who are experts in a particular field are asked to share knowledge with other members to shape the expertise centre.
The strategy of the association is determined by the board. The board consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of eight members, including the chair, secretary, and treasurer. They meet at least twice a year (currently once or twice a month) and prepare the General Assembly (GA). They are the links with the standing committees.
- Chair: Dennis Janssen (Leiden University)*, SC public affairs
- Treasurer: Inge van Houdt (Utrecht University)*, SC knowledge exchange
- Secretary: Claudia Soede (Radboudumc)*
- Member: Lucy Kerstens (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)
- Member: Sjoukje Kamphorst (Hanzehogeschool Groningen), Thematic groups
- Member: Alma Erenstein (University of Groningen, RUG), SC Communication
- Member: Merel-Marijn Sondervan (University Medical Center Utrecht)
- Member: Wouter Barewijk (Saxion University of Applied Sciences)
* Mandatory role
Standing committees
ARMA-NL has four Standing Committees (SC). Each SC has preferably six members, including a chair. An ARMA-NL board member keeps the link between the SC and the board. The SCs work on the achievement of the objectives of the association. Within the SCs various specific working groups can be set up if necessary. These working groups have in principle a temporary character.
1) Standing Committee Communication
The Communication Committee translates the objective ‘Providing a professional network’. The Standing Committee Communication enables the connection with/between RMAs by being active on social media and build/maintain a platform on our website so members can interact with each other. For this, we have the forum on our website and are focused on developing the website further. Click here for more information.
2) Standing Committee Knowledge Exchange
The Knowledge Exchange Committee translates the objective ‘Gaining and sharing knowledge’. The Knowledge Exchange Committee is focused on organizing meetings, online and face-to-face, to enhance networking in our RMA community. To further enhance this, we also organize our annual one-day event and two-day annual conference to network and share knowledge together. Click here for more information.
3) Standing Committee Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee is dedicated to train and guide RMAs (early stage to experienced members) by organising professional training and workshop sessions. We already have had project managers workshops and are currently setting up the grant advisors training. We will provide a RMA leadership session twice/three times a year. We would like to set up a pool of trainers and are currently planning the program for the next year(s). Click here for more information.
4) Standing Committee Public Affairs
The Public Affairs Committee translates the objective ‘Representing the members’ and is committed to represent its members and contribute to the recognition of the RMA profession. Click here for more information.