8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Project management knowledge exchange for experienced project managers of EC framework programme actions.
- ARMA-NL members in the Netherlands and Flanders.
- Experienced EU project managers with 5+ years of experience
Note: This half day session is not so much a training, but an exchange of experiences and best practices. The topics below are only indicative; although the session will be moderated by ARMA-NL trainers, participants are able to steer the discussions to specific topics that are considered of most urgency or relevance to them.
25 May 2021 9:00-12:00
- Roy Pennings (3DImpact)
- Edwin Kanters (VU)
- Merel-Marlijn Sondervan (UMC Utrecht, MeSo)
Indicative topics for discussion:
- The challenge of managing dissemination & exploitation
- Difficult project partners: how to deal with them
- Your project officer: friend or enemy
- How to keep up knowledge on H2020 rules (for ongoing H2020 projects) while Horizon Europe has already started-Crisis management: what to do, where to go
To register: after log in (as a member, top right on the page) in the grey box a mint button will appear with ‘Register Yourself’. If you were a member in the past, but only paid after Oct 2020, it may be that the system did not put you on Paid. Please email info at armanl dot nl.
The link of the meeting will be send to the registrants the day before.