International consortium building

  •  21/06/2021
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

The subject of this accessible, digital meeting will be on how to form a consortium.  Practical tips & tricks will be provided, and the session will also focus on the importance of the building, maintenance and use of personal networks. The session will be provided by Claudia Nicolaije (UMC Utrecht) and Bas Leeflang (Utrecht University).

Bas Leeflang is Coordinator project development and EU-liaison for Pathways to Sustainability at the Utrecht University. Bas is expert on Integral Project Support covering the whole spectrum from agenda setting, consortium forming, proposal development through contracts, reporting, finances, IPR to project management. Claudia Nicolaije works as EU Grant Advisor & grant Writer in the  UMC Utrecht. She has years of experience providing support for every aspect involved in the national and international grant writing process.  Claudia and Bas like to share their knowledge and expertise on how to build a strong consortium.

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