2nd ARMA-NL Meeting

  •  17/06/2019
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

2nd ARMA-NL Meeting

Here you can download the presentations of the meeting

Important notice: due to the public transport strike on May 28th, we have rescheduled the meeting to a new date: June 17th.
If you have already registered but are unable to attend the meeting on June 17th, please inform us by sending an email to info@armanl.nl. No further action is required, if you are still attending the meeting.

ARMA-NL Bi-annual meeting:

The bi-annual ARMA-NL meeting will take place on Monday the 17th of June 2019 in Amsterdam. This meeting is an excellent occasion for all those interested to hear the latest developments in the field of research and innovation funding.  How about sharing Horizon 2020 experiences and hearing about major Dutch funding programmes? More and more NIH grants are awarded to Dutch researchers. Interested in learning how to manage these grants? We promise you an exciting day to meet your colleagues working in the same field and learn about topics that are highly relevant to your work. Note that most part of the meeting including the presentations will be in Dutch.


09:30 – 10:00  Welcome (tea/coffee)
10.00 – 10:15     Opening (Auditorium hall)- Christian Jagersma (Chair ARMA-NL)
10.15 – 10:30     Presentation of the Host – Speaker: TBA
10.30 – 11:15      Plenary lecture 1: “Building a consortium” (in English) – Anca Miclea (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)
11.15 – 12:00      Plenary lecture 2: TKI Topsectoren – Jolande Zijlstra (Topsector Life Sciences & Health) and Marcel Mokveld (Topsector Creative Industry)
12.15 – 13:15      Lunch

13.15 – 14:15     Parallel sessions part I
Session 1: NIH Post-Award (Auditorium hall) – Nicole Sagis (Universiteit Maastricht) i.c.w. ARMA-NL NIH working group
Session 2: Data Management Plan incl. Q&A (Aurora hall, partly in English) – Madeleine de Smaele and Yasemin Türkyilmaz-van der Velden (TU Delft)
14.15 – 14:45    Break (tea/coffee)

14.45 – 15:45   Parallel sessions part II
Session 3: Financial management of exotic EU grants: Interreg North-West Europe (Auditorium) – Alwin Wink (TU Delft)
Session 4: Societal Readiness Levels (Aurora) – Ingeborg Meijer (CWTS) and Maurice Magnee (HAN)
15.45 – 16:30   Plenary lecture 3: The relevance of the grant audits, in discussion with stakeholders – Speaker: Huub H. Bröring RA (PwC Director Subsidy Compliance Services, Chairman Subsidy Audits Community)
16.30                 Closure – Christian Jagersma (Chair ARMA-NL)
16.30 – 17:30    Networking and drinks (Aula)


VU Amsterdam, Auditorium. De Boelelaan 1105 (main building)


To attend this meeting you have to be registered as an ARMA-NL member. Since your membership application needs to be processed before you can register for the meeting, please join as a member no later than the 21st of May 2019 through https://armanl.eu/user/register.
When your ARMA-NL membership registration has been approved by the treasurer, you will receive your login details for your personal ARMA-NL account. When you are logged into your account, you will see a button with ‘Register yourself’ on this page.”.


As members of ARMA-NL we are proud and grateful with the financial support from our sponsors. These are Hezelburcht, Evers+Manders Subsidieadviseurs, RESEARCHconnect, Impacter and FP Tools.
We are grateful to Amsterdam UMC and VU Amsterdam that facilitate this meeting.

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